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加拿大pc28官网开奖网址蛋蛋 画在门上的巨人(下)

发布日期:2024-08-24 16:41    点击次数:131






  绘图一幅齐全门神画的历程,需经过筹谋画稿、蜡纸打点、粉饼上门、开脸、沥粉贴金等十几谈工序。为了使门神画持久不肃清,画师们常常聘用矿物神志来作画,并调以适量的胶水加以固定。  Drawing a complete door god painting requires more than a dozen processes, such as designing rough sketches, dotting waxed paper, tracing the characters onto the door, painting the facial features of the characters and coloring the characters and applying gold foil. To ensure that the door god paintings remain vibrant over time, painters usually use mineral pigments to paint and utilize an appropriate amount of glue to fix the paintings.  为在胶水干透前将画作完成,阆中门神画的绝技就展现了出来——期间深通的画师会一手同期持三支笔作画。  In an effort to complete the painting before the glue dries, the unique skill of Langzhong’ s door god painting is demonstrated. A skilled painter will hold three paintbrushes in one hand to draw.  画作完成后经过曝晒风干,一幅门神画便惊艳亮相。  Once the painting is completed and dried, a stunning door god painting emerges.  华文作家:四川日报全媒体记者 卢丽嘉  英文作家:四川海据说播中心记者 刘动  影相:卢丽嘉
